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Supervision and Community Placement Strategies for Justice Involved Youth

Supervision Strategies for Justice-Involved Youth - Introduction

1. Many low- to moderate-risk youth are unnecessarily entangled in juvenile justice systems, receiving varying degrees of probation, out-of-home placements, and incarceration, due mainly to the state and local jurisdictions that rely on compliance, control, and incarceration as a means of supervising youth in the juvenile justice system.

A. True

B. False

Supervision Strategies for Justice-Involved Youth - Three Strategies That Work

2. Youth will continue to re-offend if not supervised.

A. True

B. False

3. Which of the following is the general consensus among respondents?

A. Supervision terms must be directly tied to probation goals and point to facts.

B. Harsh practices and processes that revoke and incarcerate youth should not be used without good reasons to do so.

C. Locking up youth typically does not improve behavior.

D. All of the above.

4. Stakeholders highlighted the need for changes in attitudes an practices among those in authority, particularly _____________, who need to see themselves as agents of change rather than just enforce the rules.

A. Judges

B. Police

C. Probation staff

D. All of the above

5. All of the following are examples of engaging service providers and community partners in supervision and problem solving, except for:

A. Requiring staff to show extensive proof as to why a youth needs to be revoked and re-incarcerated.

B. Calling a meeting with parents and partners to develop a plan to address or respond to a youth’s non-compliant behavior.

C. Providing assistance and services to youth and their families that help them understand and meet court requirements.

D. Pinpointing the specific behaviors that can lead to a formal revocation.

6. Staff training should do which of the following?

A. Highlight the ills of out-of-home placement and address attribution fallacies and other faulty assumptions held by staff.

B. Promote an unwavering message that out-of-home placement and incarceration should only be used in the most extreme situations.

C. Challenge the view that getting a youth off the streets automatically makes the community safer and gives problem youth a second chance, a respite from street life, and a dose of rehabilitative structure.

D. All of the above.

7. Families are viewed routinely as the source of young people’s problems.

A. True

B. False

8. Juvenile justice stakeholders believe that supervision approaches must be all of the following to build relationships between supervision agents, youth, and their families, except for:

A. Working collaboratively with youth, families, and the courts to ensure goals developed for youth are achievable and measurable.

B. Setting clear expectations and structure for supervision processes with the inclusion and help from families.

C. Ensuring that systems staff and probation are reluctant to working with youth in their homes.

D. Utilizing best and promising practices to improve youth’s cognitive development and problem-solving skills.

9. Along with the changes in mindsets and beliefs regarding a probation officer’s job responsibilities, models that value the inclusion of families and natural support systems are needed in order to improve relationships with families.

A. True

B. False

10. Parents are usually invited to participate in what happens to their children, but most choose not to be heard.

A. True

B. False

Close to Home: Strategies to Place Young People in Their Communities - Introduction

11. Removing system-involved youth from their homes or communities often leads to all of the following, except:

A. Impede critical links to families.

B. Youth being less likely to reoffend.

C. Youth being less likely to reconnect to school and work.

D. Youth having more health challenges.

12. Juvenile justice stakeholders believe which of the following?

A. Out-of-home placements, including secure confinement, should be used sparingly and be the exception rather than the norm.

B. Whenever possible, youth in placements should remain close to home.

C. Youth should be in the least-restrictive setting.

D. All of the above.

Close to Home: Strategies to Place Young People in Their Communities - Placement Strategies to Keep More Youth Close to Home

13. Probation departments should support and strengthen relationships between youth and their families, however, many jurisdictions make out-of-home placement decisions without mental health, child protection, or education needs being taken into considerations.

A. True

B. False

14. Longer stays in juvenile institutions often reduce recidivism.

A. True

B. False

15. Each of the following is a strategy used to reduce the length of stay in juvenile institutions, except for:

A. Mental health counseling is being provided in place of the incarceration of young people.

B. Systems have specified shorter lengths of stay through contracts with the courts or with the nonprofit providers with whom they contract directly.

C. Staff are assigned to ensuring the removal of systemic barriers to the release of young people or instilling a sense of mission that the system must move young people home as soon as possible.

D. Rather than young people convicted of certain offenses being held for a set number of years, the system now has more flexibility to bring a young person back before a judge for a hearing to determine whether that youth can be served closer to home for the remainder of the sentence.

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