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Quantum Units Education®

Screening and Assessment for Trauma

1. In behavioral health settings, universal screening for trauma history and trauma-related symptoms can help practitioners identify individuals at risk of developing more pervasive and se­vere symptoms of traumatic stress.

A. True

B. False

2. The most important domains to screen among individuals with trauma histories include each of the following EXCEPT:

A. Trauma-related symptoms/Depressive or dissociative symptoms, sleep disturbances, and intrusive experiences

B. Past and present mental disorders, includ­ing typically trauma-related disorders/Severity or characteristics of a specific trauma type

C. Psychoeducational and environmental histories/Current level of coping

D. Social support and coping styles/Availability of resources

Clients with Substance Use Disorders

3. No screening or assessment of trauma should occur when the client is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, as clients under the influence are more likely to give inaccurate information.

A. True

B. False

Creating an Effective Screening and Assessment Environment

4. Experts recommend using interviews rather than self-administered, written checklists whenever possible during the assessment process so that clients are able to discuss the trauma in a supportive environment.

A. True

B. False

Barriers and Challenges to Trauma-Informed Screening and Assessment

5. The two main barriers to the evaluation of trauma and its related disorders in behavioral health settings are clients not reporting trauma and:

A. The uncertainty by the client and/or family that a trauma actually occurred

B. Clients lacking the support system to get the help they need

C. Communication difficulties due to language and cultural barriers

D. Providers overlooking trauma and its effects

Common Assessment Myths

6. Since substance abuse itself is a form of trauma, identifying trauma-related symptoms and disorders related to substance use must be an important first step in trauma assessment.

A. True

B. False

Cross-Cultural Screening and Assessment

7. Cultural factors, such as norms for defining trauma, ________________________, and seeking help in dealing with trauma can affect how traumas are experienced, the meaning assigned to the event, and treatment outcomes.

A. Expressing psychological distress

B. Dealing with trauma related guilt and shame

C. Openly sharing feelings and concerns

D. Showing vulnerability and weakness

8. Which of the following is NOT one of the four cluster symptoms for trauma-related disorders in the DSM-5?  

A. Reexperiencing

B. Helplessness

C. Arousal

D. Persistent negative alterations in cognitions and mood

Trauma-Informed Screening and Assessment

9. The Stressful Life Experiences (SLE) screen, a checklist of traumas that also considers the client’s view of the impact of the events on life functioning, can be used to help foster the client–counselor relation­ship and to help the professional gain an understanding of the client’s experiences.

A. True

B. False

Exhibit 1.4-6: The SPAN

10. The SPAN instrument is a brief screening tool that asks clients to identify the trauma in their past that is most disturbing to them currently, and specifically addresses the trauma-related symptoms of somatic distress, persistent fear, avoidance, and nervousness.

A. True

B. False

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