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Quantum Units Education®

Pregnancy Prevention Services For High Risk Youth

Reaching High-Risk Youth With Teen Choice

1. For what reason were the youth placed at these alternative schools?

A. They are deemed by a state agency to have family, emotional, or behavioral issues that necessitate residential placement.

B. Their IEP requires the extra support of a residential program.

C. Their home school district busses them daily to the school to receive the intensive special education services they require.

D. All of the above.

2. Teen Choice is a 12-session curriculum that covers all of the following, except for:

A. Healthy relationships

B. Responsible parenting

C. Abstinence and contraception


3. Teen Choice is unscripted, enabling facilitators to adapt each session to the issues most relevant to the youth in the small group.

A. True

B. False

4. The delivery of Teen Choice is guided by the “mutual aid” approach, which asserts that youth are best able to retain and use new information by interacting with their peers, in the presence of a trusted adult.

A. True

B. False

5. Ultimately, the goal of Teen Choice was for youth to recognize the benefits of:

A. Delaying sexual activity

B. Using contraception if they are sexually active

C. Avoiding adolescent parenthood

D. All of the above

Characteristics of Youth in the Teen Choice Study

6. Although the students in the study sample had high rates of behavioral problems, their rates of school suspensions were equal to the national rate of school suspensions.

A. True

B. False

7. Sample members who had had sex reported more than _____ sexual partners, on average.

A. 2

B. 4

C. 6

D. 8

8. New York State schools are required to provide education about:


B. Abstinence

C. Contraception

D. All of the above

9. Which of the following accurately represent study participants’ knowledge at study enrollment?

A. Only 75% of students were aware that condoms decreased the risk of pregnancy “a lot.”

B. Less than 40% knew that condoms reduced the rate of HIV / AIDS “a lot.”

C. Eight in ten students knew that birth control pills were effective in reducing the risk of pregnancy.

D. More than half were aware that birth control pills do not reduce the risk of HIV / AIDS.

The Plan for Implementation

10. All of the following youth were screened out of the Teen Choice program for developmental or emotional unreadiness, except for:

A. Those who had particularly poor attendance or who were likely to leave the school during program implementation.

B. Those who had recently experienced trauma.

C. Those who lacked the necessary social skills to participate constructively in Teen Choice.

D. All of the students were screen out of the program due to developmental or emotional unreadiness.

11. Facilitators allowed individual youth to opt out of the:

A. HIV / AIDS discussion

B. Contraception discussion

C. Condom demonstration

D. All of the above

Providing Support for Implementation

12. Inwood House required facilitators to have an understanding of:

A. The culture of youth development.

B. The social implications in terms of media, music, and everything else that are shaping young people.

C. The basics of anatomy and reproductive health.

D. All of the above.

13. Inwood House developed and began using a standardized monitoring tool during the first year to document program delivery, adaptations, and participant engagement.

A. True

B. False

14. Facilitators reported that schools provided space for them to work during the school day in case students needed to talk to them outside of the group.

A. True

B. False

Adhering to the Implementation Plan and Engaging Youth

15. Monetary incentives were provided to youth for attendance.

A. True

B. False

16. Of the strategies employed to boost attendance, facilitators considered _____ to be most effective.

A. Snacks and gift cards

B. Letters sent to the youths’ homes welcoming them to the program

C. In-person presentations at school assemblies

D. Laminated program membership cards with their scheduled session days and time

17. Fewer than _____% of students attended all Teen Choice sessions.

A. 2

B. 10

C. 25

D. 50

18. What was the most common reason for students to miss a Teen Choice session?

A. Arriving to school late or leaving early, causing them to miss their Teen Choice class.

B. Deciding after enrolling that they were no longer interested in the program and refusing to participate.

C. Being absent from school.

D. Being pulled out of class for class trips, testing, or a meeting with school staff.

19. Because attendance rates dropped throughout the 12-session sequence, poor attendance was due to students losing interest after attending a few Teen Choice sessions.

A. True

B. False

20. For programs serving a particularly at-risk youth population, there may be a trade-off between program attendance and how disadvantaged the target population is; that is, maintaining regular program attendance may become more challenging the higher the overall level of risk in the target population.

A. True

B. False

21. Student interest often dictated the amount of time facilitators spent on various activities within each session and the facilitators reported that they were usually unsuccessful at redirecting the students to complete activities and cover all key messages for each session.

A. True

B. False

22. In particular, students appreciated the time the facilitator spent covering:

A. Proper condom use

B. Female contraception


D. Abstinence

23. Students reported that they understood the material was relevant to their lives and expected they would use the information they learned.

A. True

B. False

24. Which of the following was a common action plan goal for students who were sexually active?

A. The importance of communicating clearly with their peers.

B. The importance of respecting themselves.

C. Use contraceptives consistently if they had sex, to protect themselves from become pregnant or acquiring an STI.

D. All of the above.

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