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Quantum Units Education®

Mentally Healthy Aging

Executive Summary

1. Which of the following is NOT one of the types of stigma that may occur when older adults face mental health issues?  

A. Self-stigma

B. Public stigma

C. Family stigma

D. Institutional stigma

Strategies to Overcome the Barriers

2. The two strategies that appear to be most promising to discontinue the cycle of stigma and discrimination are: 1) Empowering and educating older adults with mental illnesses, and 2) Educating the public on mental health and aging.

A. True

B. False

Research Findings on Older Adults and Mental Health

3. Which of the following accurately describes research findings in the area of older adults and mental health?  

A. It is estimated that by 2030, more than 10 million older adults will experience a mental illness, which is nearly double the current number

B. One-third of today’s older adults experience some mental disorder, including dementia, and about 12 percent have psychiatric disorders

C. Older adults with significant depression have total health care costs that are roughly 40 percent higher than those without depression

D. Older adults have the highest suicide rate in the country for any age group, and although suicide rates decline after midlife for women, suicide rates for men continuously increase

Manifestations of Stigma and Discrimination

4. A common assumption is that depression is “normal” to the aging process. Therefore, it is often not recognized as a treatable disease, or some may view it as not worth treating at all in older adults.

A. True

B. False

5. On a societal level, the consequences of stigma and discrimination include public ignorance of the issue, fewer health professionals specializing in mental illnesses in older adults, and:

A. The absence of research and funding in the area of mental illnesses in older adults

B. Systematic marginalization of older adults with mental illnesses by society

C. Poor quality of life and lack of contribution to society for older adults

D. None of the above

Barriers to Eliminating Stigma: Lack of Interest

6. Even though many valued roles for older adults still exist in today’s society, those with mental health issues need help in pursuing realistic and appropriate goals so that they do not use valuable resources needed by others.

A. True

B. False

Empower and Educate Older Adults with Mental Illnesses: Target Audience

7. To reach the goal of empowering and educating older adults, it is recommended that an education initiative target each of the following EXCEPT:

A. Health clinics and medical practices that specialize in older adult issues

B. Consumer groups that are already advocating for older adults with mental illnesses

C. Community-based organizations

D. Faith-based organizations and outreach programs

General Strategies

8. Peer counseling, peer support, and ________________ are valuable strategies to reach older adults experiencing mental illnesses.

A. Professional group counseling

B. Mentoring programs

C. Volunteer service

D. Both A andC above

Educate the Public on Mental Health and Aging: The Message

9. Messages that highlight the negative consequences of failing to care for mentally ill older adults seem to have the greatest impact on the public.

A. True

B. False


10. Forming a consortium involving government agencies, policymakers, con­sumers, advocates, and others would be a positive step toward focusing on discrim­ination facing older adults with mental illness.

A. True

B. False

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