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Quantum Units Education®

Legal: American Disabilities Act

Who is Covered by the ADA?

1. “Grandfather provisions” often found in local building codes are the only method to exempt businesses from their obligations under the ADA.

A. True

B. False

2. Which of the following is true regarding commercial facilities?

A. They do not provide goods or services directly to the public.

B. They are only subject to the ADA’s requirements for new construction.

C. They are only subject to the ADA’s requirements for alterations.

D. All of the above are true.

Policies and Procedures

3. Anything that would result in a “fundamental alteration” - a change in the essential nature of a business - is not required.

A. True

B. False

Service Animals

4. Under the ADA’s revised regulations, the definition of “service animal” is limited to a dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks which must be directly related to the person’s disability.

A. True

B. False

5. Which of the following meet the ADA’s definition of a service animal?

A. Comfort animals

B. Animals used for medication reminders

C. Therapy animals

D. Emotional support animals

6. All of the following are true regarding service animals, except:

A. Service animals must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered at all times.

B. Businesses may exclude service animals if the dog is out of control and the handler cannot or does not regain control.

C. Businesses may exclude service animals if the dog is not housebroken.

D. If a service animal is excluded, the individual must be allowed to enter the business without the service animal.

7. In situations where it is not apparent that the dog is a service animal, a business may ask for proof of certification or medical documentation as a condition for entry.

A. True

B. False

Wheelchairs and Other Power-Driven Mobility Devices

8. Public accommodations must allow individuals who use golf cars and other devices designed to operate in non-pedestrian areas unless the business can demonstrate legitimate safety requirements based on actual risk, not speculation.

A. True

B. False

9. Which of the following is not a credible assurance to check that an other power-driven mobility device is required because of a disability?

A. A valid State disability parking placard.

B. Federal or State-issued proof of disability.

C. Asking the individual about their disabilities.

D. A verbal assurance from the individual with a disability that is not contradicted by observation.

Communicating with Customers

10. The ADA requires businesses to take steps necessary to communicate effectively with customers with all of the following disabilities, except:

A. Those who are vision disabled.

B. Those who are mentally disabled.

C. Those who are hearing disabled.

D. Those who are speech disabled.

11. The revised regulations permit the use of new technologies including video remote interpreting, a service that allows businesses that have video conference equipment to access an interpreter at another location.

A. True

B. False

12. An undue burden by the business to provide an interpreter is determined by the fees paid by the customer needing the interpreter.

A. True

B. False

13. For which of the following would reading the item to the customer who is blind or has low vision not be effective?

A. A menu.

B. A label.

C. A document with financial information.

D. None of the above should be read to the customer.

Element-by-Element Safe Harbor

14. If a business facility was built or altered in the past 20 years in compliance with the 1991 Standards, or they removed barriers to specific elements in compliance with those Standards, they do not have to make further modifications to those elements - even if the new standards have different requirement for them - to comply with the 2010 Standards.

A. True

B. False

15. Relocating a fixed ATM is not considered an alteration, therefore a business wouldn’t have to update the machine to meet the keypad requirements in the 2010 Standards.

A. True

B. False

16. Which of the following are not subject to the safe harbor because they were not included in the 1991 Standards?

A. Swimming pools

B. Exercise machines

C. Miniature golf facilities

D. All of the above

Readily Achievable Barrier Removal

17. Which of the following would be considered a barrier removal?

A. Installing an entrance ramp.

B. Widening a doorway.

C. Moving tables, chairs, or display racks.

D. All of the above.

Barrier Removal Before March 15, 2012

18. Businesses removing barriers before March 15, 2012, have the choice of using either the 1991 Standards or the 2010 Standards.

A. True

B. False

19. It is permissible for businesses to use the 1991 Standards for one part of a facility and the 2010 Standards in another part of the facility.

A. True

B. False


20. According to the 2010 Standards, one of every _____ spaces must be van accessible.

A. 6

B. 8

C. 10

D. 12

21. Small businesses with four or fewer spaces are required to have one accessible parking space with signage.

A. True

B. False

22. An accessible parking space must have an access aisle, which allows a person using a wheelchair or other mobility device to get in and out of the car or van.

A. True

B. False

Shelves, Sales and Service Counters, and Check-Out Aisles

23. Shelves must be on an accessible route with enough space to allow customers using mobility devices to access merchandise, however, they may be of any height since they are not subject to the ADA’s reach range requirements.

A. True

B. False

Food and Restaurant Services

24. There must be an accessible route to which of the following?

A. Raised or sunken dining areas.

B. Outdoor dining areas.

C. Food service lines.

D. All of the above.


25. All of the following are considered alterations, except:

A. Restriping a parking lot.

B. Replacing fixtures.

C. Reroofing.

D. Replacing flooring or carpeting.

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