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Quantum Units Education®

Prevention of Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence

Executive Summary-Highlights

1. The first step in implementing an effective, comprehensive program to prevent sexual violence and/or intimate partner violence is to:

A. Develop and tailor trainings in partnership with the professionals you plan to train

B. Address the identified needs or problems that may be encountered with training

C. Identify the best use of resources to implement training

D. State clearly why you want or need to do training

2. The organizational context in which professionals work as well as their individual readiness and level of knowledge need to be considered in order to make trainings relevant.

A. True

B. False

Evaluation and Follow-Up

3. Process and outcome evaluations to measure impact of trainings will want to assess changes in each of the following areas EXCEPT:

A. Knowledge

B. Attitude

C. Communication

D. Organizational change

Introduction: Why Train-Definitions of Sexual Violence and Intimate Partner Violence

4. Emotional abuse includes the use of words, gestures, weapons, or other means to communicate the intent to cause harm.

A. True

B. False

What Training Means

5. Training based on individual strengths is key because it provides the support necessary to help people more easily and effectively put to use what they learn.

A. True

B. False

Start a Training Plan: The Basic Elements-Identify the Needs or Problems to Be Addressed

6. When developing a training plan to prevent sexual violence and/or intimate partner violence, it may be necessary to look at issues, problems, observations, or ________ that demonstrate that training is necessary.

A. Data

B. Past practices

C. Feedback

D. None of the above

Develop Goals and Outcomes

7. Training goals should reflect ambitious change that can actually be accomplished, while outcomes represent specific changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills, and behaviors you expect to occur as a result of your actions.

A. True

B. False

8. When training to increase knowledge, which of the following should NOT be included as a training goal?

A. Increasing knowledge about sexual violence and dating violence perpetration and victimization

B. Increasing knowledge about inappropriate language and behaviors that objectify and demean women

C. Increasing knowledge of the overlapping risk factors for sexual and dating violence perpetration and youth violence

D. Identifying appropriate opportunities to address issues related to sexual violence and dating violence in current program

9. An example of a short-term training outcome would be coaches teaching respect and demonstrating the interruption of sexual harassment.

A. True

B. False

10. Well-written and complete outcome statements will usually define who will change, what will change, how much change will realistically be achieved, the timeframe for change, and how change will be measured.

A. True

B. False

Decide Whom to Train

11. Professionals who exhibit readiness to receive sexual and/or intimate partner violence training include those who are already connected to prevention goals, those who are motivated to develop and learn new skills, and those who:

A. Have support and resources within their organizations to apply what they learn

B. Are willing to implement new policies and procedures

C. Have a basic knowledge of the subject area

D. None of the above

Start a Training Plan: The Basic Elements-With Whom do You Have Natural Alliances?

12. Groups such as youth service organizations, schools, faith-based organizations, and health-care professionals that naturally share similar concerns are more likely to be ready and open to incorporating sexual violence and/or intimate partner violence prevention into their practices.

A. True

B. False

What Other Health or Social Issues Overlap with Sexual and/or Intimate Partner Violence?

13. Since sexual violence victimization increases risk for substance abuse and impacts academic achievement, schools may be open to sexual violence prevention as one avenue to lower substance abuse and improve academic success.

A. True

B. False

Single Training/Multiple Training Sessions for Skill Mastery

14. In order to maintain professional integrity, trainers should never accept offers to teach a single training session since multiple sessions are needed for skill mastery.

A. True

B. False

Involve Participants in Training Development-Involve a Diverse Group of Participants

15. Professionals from different cultures, organizations, and communities, as well as from different ________, when appropriate, should be invited to participate in training for intimate partner and/or sexual violence.

A. Occupations

B. Backgrounds

C. Generations

D. Both A and B

Core Topics for Trainings-What Constitutes Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence

16. Which of the following is not included in the Sexual Behavior Continuum developed by Cordelia Anderson?

A. Positive Behavior

B. Age Appropriate Behavior

C. Mutually Inappropriate Behavior

D. Harmful Behavior

E. Harassment and Violence

Responding to Disclosures of Abuse

17. Skill building for responding to disclosures of abuse should be included in training because as professionals begin to implement what they have learned they will likely have survivors of sexual violence and/or intimate partner violence disclose their experiences.

A. True

B. False

Consider Organizational Content

18. Before training teachers and coaches how to recognize and interrupt sexual harassment or other abusive behaviors, it is important to understand existing administrative policies and how learned skills will fit with those policies.

A. True

B. False

Consider Individual Readiness and Knowledge

19. Two important ways to help training participants absorb new knowledge are to energize their motivations to learn while focusing on issues and skills they already understand and are interested in.

A. True

B. False

20. Participants should be asked to identify learning needs and preferred training approaches, __________, beliefs about challenges related to prevention, and their goals for training.

A. Organizational barriers

B. Current knowledge

C. Attitudes about participation

D. None of the above

Determine Resource Needs

21. Training needs among professionals as well as available resources will likely differ between urban and rural areas, so different ways to engage participants in prevention must be addressed.

A. True

B. False

Select Trainers

22. Sexual and/or intimate partner violence prevention trainers should be able to demonstrate each of the following EXCEPT:

A. Knowledge of, experience in, and commitment to the specific content to be presented

B. Credibility with the professionals to be trained, which includes experience, profession, position, and language similar to participants

C. Experience dealing with possible disclosures of abuse from training participants

D. Firm grounding in secondary prevention

Tailor Training Content For Your Audience

23. Various ethnic groups may have different norms or language to describe healthy relationships, so it recommended that experts with knowledge in this area be involved so that trainings are developed in culturally relevant ways.

A. True

B. False

24. During sexual and/or intimate partner violence prevention training, it is important to model and teach concepts that influence value changes among participants.

A. True

B. False

Sprinkling Vs. Saturation

25. The “sprinkling” of trainings appears to be more effective for changing behavior and for gaining better buy-in to sustain those behaviors than “saturation” training methods.

A. True

B. False

Identify the Best Training Approaches and Methods

26. Adults need to feel autonomous and self-directed in learning situations, and tend to learn more when they perceive learning as relevant to their needs.

A. True

B. False

27. The adult education principle that states that “adults are unique and learn in different ways” calls for training that:

A. Establishes an atmosphere of respect and understanding

B. Identifies learners' needs and what is important to them

C. Provides opportunities for sharing information

D. Uses participants as a resource and encourages them to participate and share their experience

Train with Cultural Competence

28. Training with cultural competence means:

A. Demonstrating an organization’s full engagement and integration of diverse perspectives

B. Changing behavior in an ongoing, daily, evolving process

C. Promoting a new way of thinking that fully embraces diversity

D. All of the above

Consider Diverse Perspectives and Influences

29. People use __________ to evaluate or judge their world and as part of their socialization to a particular culture.

A. Relationships

B. Class and status

C. Values

D. Rituals

Strategies for Training with Cultural Competence

30. Which of the following is NOT one of the recommended strategies for training with cultural competence?

A. Respond to the group as a whole instead of to individuals

B. Involve diverse learners in training development

C. Ensure physical and language accessibility

D. Be inclusive and self-aware

Prepare for Evaluation and Follow-Up

31. An outcome evaluation examines the quality of the training delivery, and identifies gaps between what was intended and what actually happened.

A. True

B. False

32 Plan Outcome Evaluation to Determine if Training Goals and Outcomes Were Achieved

32. The least time and resource intensive of the various outcome evaluation models is a retrospective post test.

A. True

B. False

Determine Appropriate Follow-Up Activities

33. One recommended follow-up activity after training is establishing a collaborative learning environment where participants meet regularly to discuss how they are using their new knowledge and skills, meeting challenges, and problem solving.

A. True

B. False

Think About How To Sustain Learning

34. In order to sustain learning, training efforts should be connected with:

A. Existing policies

B. Organizational integration

C. Prevention Goals

D. None of the above

Training Tips to Help Build Sustainability

35. In order to build sustainability, trainers must guard against redundancy, since hearing the same message over and over again tends to reduce the program's credibility.

A. True

B. False

Review Progress and Put the Results to Work

36. Thinking about ways to sustain prevention work and the work of community partners early will help ensure wise use of resources and help to develop ways of supporting training plans in the future.

A. True

B. False

Appendix-Whom to Train: Youth-Serving Agencies

37. Which of the following is NOT included in the suggested training content for youth-serving agencies?

A. Identify and address norms of teens sexuality

B. Risk and protective factors for sexual, intimate partner, and/or teen dating violence

C. How to identify, intervene, and address sexualized bullying and other abusive behaviors

D. Bystander interventions

Tip Sheet: Overview of Training Approaches and Methods

38. Principles of adult learning indicate that adult learners retain:

A. 25% of what they see

B. 40% of what they see and hear

C. 60% of what they, see, hear, and say

D. 90% of what they see, hear, say, and do

39. For participants who resonate with abstract concepts and lectures, it is best to use demonstrations and role playing.

A. True

B. False

Tip Sheet: Sample Outcome Evaluation Questions

40. Outcome questions to assess skills change may ask about willingness or intent to use the skills, level of confidence in using the skills, improved ability to practice the skill, and utilization of skills.

A. True

B. False

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