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Quantum Units Education®

Heroin Update

From the Director

1. Each of the following is an accurate statement about heroin use EXCEPT:

A. The medical and social consequences of heroin and other drug use such as hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, fetal effects, crime, violence, and disruptions in family, workplace, and educational environments have a devastating impact on society and cost billions of dollars each year

B. Although heroin use in the general population is rather low and the numbers of people starting to use heroin had been steadily decreasing since 2007, recent studies indicate the numbers are beginning to rise

C. Increases in heroin use may be due in part to a shift from abuse of prescription pain relievers to heroin as a readily available, cheaper alternative

D. The misperception that highly pure heroin is safer than less pure forms because it does not need to be injected may also be leading to greater heroin use

2. Heroin is typically sold as a white or brownish powder that is “cut” with sugars, starch, powdered milk or:

A. Quinine

B. Corn starch

C. Creatine

D. Mannitol

What are the Long-Term Effects of Heroin Use?

3. Major heroin withdrawal symptoms peak between 12–24 hours after the last dose of heroin and subside after about three days, and include drowsiness, clouded mental function, rapid heart rate/breathing, and hot flashes.

A. True

B. False

Why Does Heroin Use Create Special Risk for Contracting HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis B and C?

4. Snorting or smoking heroin does not necessarily eliminate the risk of infectious disease like hepatitis and HIV/AIDS because people under the influence of drugs still engage in risky sexual and other behaviors that can expose them to these diseases.

A. True

B. False

How Does Heroin Use Affect Pregnant Women?

5. Heroin use during pregnancy can result in neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) which occurs when heroin passes through the placenta to the fetus, and can create symptoms such as excessive crying, fever, irritability, seizures, slow weight gain, tremors, diarrhea, vomiting, and possibly death.

A. True

B. False

What are the Treatments for Heroin Addiction?

6. Effective medications to treat heroin addiction include:

A. Fast-acting opioid antagonists such as Dolophine or Methadose which interfere with the rewarding effects of opioids and lessen withdrawal symptoms

B. Subutex, which is an opioid agonist that is taken orally or sublingually and reaches the brain slowly, dampening the “high” that occurs with other routes of administration

C. Naltrexone, a partial opioid agonist which is often the most frequently recommended medication because most patients comply with the treatment, and effectiveness is significant

D. An injectable long-acting formulation of naltrexone called Vivitrol, which recently received FDA approval for treating opioid addiction

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