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Quantum Units Education®

Responding to Girls in Gangs

1. At some point in their lives, half or more of the interview participants had been:

A. Arrested

B. On probation

C. In detention or placement

D. Any of the above

2. The majority of participants identified themselves as:

A. Associates of a gang

B. Gang members

C. Romantically involved with a gang member

D. None of the above

3. According to the study’s advisory board, some girls may never fully be able to leave the gang but can stop being active in it.

A. True

B. False

4. Which of the following offenses was statistically significantly related to gang membership and for which participants who self-identified as gang members reported committing more often than those who identified as associates / at risk?

A. Property offenses

B. Person offenses

C. Service offenses

D. Status offenses

5. Overall, the most common activity engaged in as part of their gang was:

A. To carry or hid a gun

B. To deal drugs

C. To commit a violent act

D. To steal something worth more than $50

6. Participants who identified as active in a gang had higher scores on _____ than did inactive participants.

A. Physical aggression

B. Verbal aggression

C. Social manipulation

D. All of the above

7. Substance use was prevalent among gang members and there was found to be a statistically significant relationship to gang membership and activity level.

A. True

B. False

8. Which of the following emerged as a critical factor in shaping participants’ gang involvement?

A. Their friends or romantic partners were in a gang.

B. Family history and family influences.

C. Where they lived.

D. A desire for belonging and attachment.

9. According to participants, the role of a fighter had which purpose?

A. To fight rival female gang members, or “have the homies’ back.”

B. To assist the gang leaders in disciplining fellow “little sisters” of their gang.

C. Both (A) and (B).

D. None of the above.

10. Inactivity in a gang was typically a gradual process of continuously rejecting gang activity.

A. True

B. False

11. The most frequent self-identified asset or strength among the participants was having interpersonal skills, which included being “communicative” and “outgoing.”

A. True

B. False

12. Unless used by young people themselves, terms such as “gang” and “gang member” should be avoided.

A. True

B. False

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