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Quantum Units Education®

Family Reunification - What the Evidence Shows

1. Reunification is both the most common goal for children in out-of-home care as well as the most common outcome.

A. True

B. False

2. Which of the following factors have been shown to have a significant association with a rating of “Strength” on the indicator related to achievement of a child’s goal of reunification, guardianship, or placement with relatives?

A. Visiting with parents and siblings in foster care.

B. Child and family involvement in case planning.

C. Worker visits with the child and the parents.

D. All of the above.

3. Which of the following is the problem most often cited to impede reunification efforts and contribute to foster care reentries?

A. Parental substance abuse

B. Child behavior problems

C. Child involvement with the juvenile justice system

D. Parents’ lack of cooperation with service plans

4. Many States specifically cite the provision of post-reunification services as a key to reducing which of the following?

A. The risk of harm to children

B. Repeat maltreatment

C. Reentries to foster care

D. All of the above

5. Specific post-reunification services that contribute to positive outcomes include all of the following, except:

A. In-home services

B. Mental health or counseling services

C. Medications for anxiety and depressive disorders

D. Substance abuse services

6. Staffing problems that reportedly impede reunification efforts include all of the following, except for:

A. Staff not racially or ethically matched to client population

B. High rates of staff turnover

C. Inexperienced staff

D. High caseloads

7. Staffing problems that impede reunification efforts may result in:

A. Insufficient worker visits both with foster children and birth parents.

B. Insufficient monitoring and support of parents’ service participation and progress toward goal achievement.

C. Longer timeframes to achieve reunification goals.

D. All of the above.

8. Each of the following is addressed as one of the four important dimensions of family engagement, except for:

A. The relationship between the caseworker and the family.

B. The relationship between the biological parents and the foster parents.

C. Parent-child visitation.

D. The involvement of foster parents.

9. Family reunification appears to be facilitated by more frequent caseworker contact.

A. True

B. False

10. Each of the following caseworker behaviors is important in mitigating families’ fears and building the rapport necessary for effective helping, except for:

A. Establishing open, honest communication with parents.

B. Increasing the frequency of visits leading up to reunification.

C. Requesting family participation and feedback in the planning process.

D. Providing instruction and reinforcement in the performance and completion of mutually agreed-upon activities.

11. Studies suggest that parent-child visitation should have a therapeutic focus and that anyone supervising visits should have clinical knowledge and skills.

A. True

B. False

12. Research has demonstrated that adequate assessment occurs most often in child welfare, and failing to do this may be linked to the instability of reunification.

A. True

B. False

13. Which type of therapy model has been demonstrated to reduce physical punishment and parental aggression in less time than alternative approaches?

A. Dialectical Behavior Therapy

B. Family Focused Therapy

C. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

D. Interpersonal Therapy

14. In follow-up interviews, families rated all of the following program features most strongly, except for:

A. Substance abuse treatment

B. Use of two-worker teams

C. Services offered in the family home

D. 24-hour service availability

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