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Quantum Units Education®

Crisis Services - Effectiveness and Economics

Effectiveness of Crisis Services

1. What is the primary objective of the 23-hour crisis observation?

A. Assessment

B. Stabilization

C. Determination of the appropriate level of care

D. All of the above

2. A study found that services with an emergency evaluation unit have no significant difference in rate of hospital admissions compared to those without an emergency evaluation unit.

A. True

B. False

3. All of the following are true with regard to 23-hour crisis observation or stabilization, except:

A. It is a direct service that provides individuals in severe distress up to 23 consecutive hours of supervised care to assist with deescalating the severity of their crisis and/or need for urgent care.

B. The main outcome of 23-hour observation beds is the avoidance of unnecessary hospitalizations for persons whose crisis may resolve with time and observation.

C. The most frequent psychiatric diagnosis among program participants was depression.

D. The short duration of the observation period facilitates rapid decision making and referrals to outpatient programs, since a high level of distress often motivates patients to accept treatment programs that are immediately available.

4. Which of the following is defined as “a direct service that assists with deescalating the severity of a person’s level of distress and/or need for urgent care associated with a substance use or mental health disorder”?

A. Crisis stabilization

B. Detoxification

C. Rehabilitation

D. Outpatient group therapy

5. Crisis stabilization services are designed to prevent or ameliorate a behavioral health crisis and/or reduce acute symptoms of mental illness by providing continuous 24-hour observation and supervision for persons who do not require inpatient services.

A. True

B. False

6. Core attributes of residential crisis services include all of the following, except:

A. Proving housing during a crisis with services that are short term.

B. Serving individuals or small groups of clients.

C. Provide detoxification for those with substance abuse.

D. Used to avoid hospitalization.

7. Current literature generally supports that crisis residential care is as effective as other longer psychiatric inpatient care at improving symptoms and functioning.

A. True

B. False

8. Although satisfaction of crisis residential care services is strong, the overall costs are more than traditional inpatient care.

A. True

B. False

9. The main objective of mobile crisis services is which of the following?

A. Provide rapid response.

B. Assess the individual.

C. Resolve crisis situations that involve children and adults who are presumed or known to have a behavioral health disorder.

D. All of the above.

10. Which of the following is a main goal of police-based teams, which may be staffed by mental health consultants or exclusively by police officers with mental health training?

A. Reducing arrests of mentally ill offenders.

B. Diversion.

C. Linking people to needed services.

D. Finding hard-to-reach individuals.

11. Studies suggest that mobile crisis services are all of the following, except:

A. Effective at diverting people in crisis from psychiatric hospitalization.

B. Effective at promoting problem-solving and coping skills.

C. Effective at linking suicidal individuals discharged from the emergency department to services.

D. Better than hospitalization at linking people in crisis to outpatient services.

12. Crisis hotlines provide a confidential venue to seek immediate support with all of the following, except:

A. Decreasing hopelessness.

B. Used to avoid hospitalization.

C. Promotes problem-solving and coping skills.

D. Identifies persons who are in need of facilitated referrals to medical, healthcare, and/or community support services.

13. Insurance is required to use crisis hotlines.

A. True

B. False

14. Crisis hotlines are available to individuals with mental illnesses but not to those with substance use disorders.

A. True

B. False

15. Which of the following was not in the top three coping strategies for suicidal thoughts cited by individuals with serious mental illness and a history of suicidal behavior?

A. Using the mental health system.

B. Spirituality and religious practices.

C. Talking to someone and companionship.

D. Positive thinking.

16. Which of the following is true regarding those who use crisis hotlines?

A. Among nonsuicidal callers, distress was significantly reduced from the beginning to the end of the call, and there was a significant reduction in callers’ distress levels from the end of the call to follow-up.

B. Among suicidal callers, there was a significant reduction in suicide status from the beginning to the end of the call on intent to die, hopelessness, and psychological pain.

C. There were significant reductions in callers’ psychological pain and hopelessness from the end of the call to follow-up.

D. All of the above are true.

17. Warm lines are telephone lines that are run by trained mental health consumers and staffed by people who are also in recovery.

A. True

B. False

18. Like hotlines, warm lines are for situations that are considered emergencies and could escalate if left unaddressed.

A. True

B. False

19. Peer telephone operators of warm lines do all of the following, except:

A. Offer compassion.

B. Support callers on topics such as loneliness, anxiety, and sleeplessness.

C. Offer advice.

D. Give a message of hope and provide resources.

20. It was found that keeping warm lines open after what time was especially helpful?

A. 3:00 PM

B. 5:00 PM

C. 9:00 PM

D. 12:00 AM

21. Having an advanced directive allows a patient to avoid emergency involuntary detention and therefore may not be a good idea for people with mental illnesses.

A. True

B. False

The Economic Impact of Crisis Services

22. Studies find that significant cost savings can result from crisis services due to which of the following?

A. Reduced inpatient utilization.

B. Emergency department diversion.

C. More appropriate use of community-based behavioral health services.

D. All of the above.

Funding Crisis Services: Overview

23. Medicaid regulations outline, but do not necessarily or consistently define, the types of services states can provide.  Therefore, states vary widely in how they describe their services.

A. True

B. False

Collaborative Funding: Case Studies

24. State funding, along with Medicaid, represents the largest proportion of crisis services funding for states.

A. True

B. False

25. Services for the uninsured are covered by state and local funds.

A. True

B. False

Summary and Conclusions

26. Crisis stabilization has been found to reduce the costs of criminal justice involvement.

A. True

B. False

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