Instructions: Print this exam worksheet. Return to the course page using the link below. Read the course material. Enter your answers on this worksheet. Return to the course page and click the link 'Take Test.' Transfer your answers.
1. The most prominent feature of college substance misuse is:
A. Excessive drinking
B. Misuse of medications
C. Marijuana use
D. Tobacco use
2. Use of which of the following is boosted by a mindset that views its use as a rite of passage?
A. Alcohol
B. Marijuana
C. Tobacco
D. Prescription medications
3. Studies show a strong connection between suicidal behavior and substance use in both the college and general populations.
A. True
B. False
4. Compared to female college students, male college students have been found more likely to engage in:
A. Heavy drinking
B. Binge drinking
C. Daily drinking
D. Males students have been found to have higher rates of heavy, binge, and daily drinking
5. Since 2007, binge drinking has increased among both genders.
A. True
B. False
6. Among males, drinking to _____ stands alone as a prime motive for drinking.
A. Get drunk
B. Get along on dates
C. Feel good
D. Forget disappointments
7. Many students believe that alcohol and other substance use among peers is greater than it really is and that other students’ use is greater than their own.
A. True
B. False
8. Drinking rates are highest among:
A. Commuting students who live with their families.
B. Those living in on-campus housing.
C. Those in fraternities and sororities.
D. Students who live independently offsite.
9. Approaches that have shown promise in addressing students who have a problem with alcohol involve skill-building and motivational interviewing.
A. True
B. False
10. College students who first became drunk before age 13 are at high risk of:
A. Becoming alcohol dependent.
B. Driving after drinking.
C. Having unplanned and unprotected sex.
D. Sustaining injuries that require medical attention.
11. Research shows that the parts of the brain that govern judgement and impulse control are fully developed by age 18.
A. True
B. False
12. Which of the following is the most common form of the excess that defines alcohol availability in the college social scene?
A. A high density of alcohol outlets in a geographic area.
B. A high percentage of shelf space devoted to alcohol products.
C. Drinking contests and discounted drink specials.
D. Private parties with alcohol use as a focal point.
13. The most common way college students obtain alcohol is:
A. A vendor’s failure to conduct age checks or recognize and act on fake identification.
B. Having older friends purchase it legally.
C. Failure of campus security personnel or monitors to enforce rules against other students bringing alcohol into residence halls.
D. The condition such as open containers that allow unfettered access to alcohol.
14. The main feature of responsible beverage service programs is to:
A. Provide knowledge about alcohol and its effects.
B. Force intoxicated drinkers to leave the gathering.
C. Prevent patrons from becoming intoxicated and ensure that intoxicated people are not served further or exposed to harm.
D. Promote increased vigilance and enforcement by alcohol servers.
15. Research has documented that restricting alcohol outlet density is an effective method to prevent alcohol-related problems.
A. True
B. False
16. Which of the following is the most commonly misused medication?
A. Stimulants
B. Pain relievers
C. Tranquilizers
D. Sedatives
17. Full-time students in the 18 to 22 age group who used Adderall nonmedically were much more likely than those who did not misuse this drug to engage in all of the following, except:
A. Other forms of illicit drug use
B. Tobacco use
C. Alcohol use
D. Binge drinking
18. In large quantities, the active cough-suppressing ingredient dextromethorphan can cause effects similar to those of:
A. Alcohol
B. Marijuana
C. Cocaine
D. Ketamine
19. Students classified as having an alcohol disorder who were most likely to use prescription drugs non-medically were found to:
A. Be female
B. Be of Asian decent
C. Have a grade point average above a B
D. Attend co-ed colleges and institutions in the South or Northeast
20. Tobacco prevention messages should be targeted carefully to focus on:
A. Reducing positive attitudes towards use.
B. Increasing negative attitudes towards use.
C. Tobacco prevention messages should focus on both reducing positive attitudes towards use and increasing negative attitudes towards use.
D. All tobacco prevention messages will put tobacco use in the minds of college students and will cause an increase in use.
21. Current research suggests that water pipe tobacco smoking can be as dangerous as cigarette smoking, if not more so.
A. True
B. False
22. Identity as a nonsmoker may reflect:
A. Smoking infrequently.
B. Smoking at parties rather than alone.
C. Borrowing cigarettes rather than buying them.
D. Identity as a nonsmoker may reflect smoking infrequently, smoking at parties rather than alone, borrowing cigarettes rather than buying them, not smoking habitually, being able to quit without great effort, and having certain personality and physical characteristics.
23. All of the following are perceived benefits of smoking at parties, except for:
A. Facilitating social interaction with the opposite sex.
B. Helping to forget disappointments.
C. Structuring time and space at a party.
D. Helping a person to calm down when drunk.
24. A woman may smoke with the direct expectation that smoking may control appetite and weight, rather than to counter the mood produced by reminders of perceived inadequacies in her body.
A. True
B. False
25. Which of the following individual characteristics is associated with exposure to second hand smoke?
A. Male gender
B. African American race
C. Binge drinking
D. Lower parental education levels
26. The largest difference among adults ages 18 or older with a major depressive episode in the past year and those without having a major depressive episode, was found for:
A. Illicit drug use
B. Daily cigarette smoking
C. Heavy alcohol use in the past month
D. A substance use disorder in the past year
27. Which of the following appear to have the highest rates of suicide overall?
A. Undergraduate males
B. Older students who are returning to school after being out for a significant period
C. Women in graduate school
D. Men in graduate school
28. Substance misuse among college students is driven largely by the campus social environment and longstanding culture of alcohol use, often including dangerously excessive drinking.
A. True
B. False
29. Much of college students’ use of illicit drugs, mostly misuse of medications, appears to be related largely to the pressures of college life.
A. True
B. False
30. College-age adults are vulnerable to mental health issues in part because:
A. Living away from home is emotionally overwhelming.
B. Trying to juggle classes, a social life, and possibly a job is too much stress.
C. Many such problems first emerge in the late teens and early 20s.
D. Substance abuse can cause mental health issues to emerge.
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