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Anger Management: A Cognitive Behavioral Approach

Overview of Group Anger Management Treatment

1. The purpose of the anger management group includes all of the following EXCEPT:  

A. Stop violence or the threat of violence

B. Learn to release anger in appropriate ways such as by hitting pillows and screaming in a healthy way

C. Develop self-control over thoughts and actions

D. Receive support and feedback from others

2. Completing brief homework assignments is an important part of anger management groups as a tool to improve group members’ anger management skills and allow them to get the most from the group experience.

A. True

B. False

3. Anger, aggression, and hostility are treatment terms but the difference between them is that anger is an emotion, hostility is a behavior, and aggression is an attitude that involves disliking others and evaluating them negatively.

A. True

B. False

4. Which of the following is an accurate statement about the myths, payoffs, and consequences of anger?

A. Initial payoffs from expressions of anger are called “controlled” payoffs because long term consequences outweigh short term goals

B. It is commonly known that anger is something that builds and escalates to the point of an aggressive outburst

C. The expression of anger is a learned behavior, so more appropriate ways of expressing anger also can be learned

D. The expression of anger is a fixed and unalterable set of behaviors

5. To break the anger habit, one must develop an awareness of the events, circumstances, and _____________ of others that trigger the anger.

A. Actions

B. Opinions

C. Emotions

D. Behaviors

Events and Cues: A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Anger

6. Specific events that provoke anger touch on sensitive life areas and these “red flags” usually refer to long-standing issues that can easily lead to anger.

A. True

B. False

7. An important aspect of anger monitoring is to identify the cues that occur in response to the anger-provoking event. Which of the following is NOT one of these cue categories:

A. Cognitive

B. Behavioral

C. Physical

D. Social

8. Clenching our fists, pacing back and forth, slamming doors, and raising our voices are all examples of physical cues of anger.

A. True

B. False

Anger Control Plans: Helping Group Members Develop a Plan for Controlling Anger

9. It is important to help participants develop a repertoire of anger management strategies called an anger control plan, and it may include all of the following  EXCEPT:

A. Immediate strategies that can be used in the heat of the moment when anger is rapidly escalating

B. Supportive restructuring to support hostile self-talk or irrational beliefs

C. Preventive strategies that can be used to avoid escalation of anger before it begins

D. Techniques such as timeouts or thought stopping

10. Participants in anger management should seek advice from one another and other patients who are in recovery as well as from members in support networks such as 12-Step or religious group members.

A. True

B. False

11. All of the following are factual statements regarding the development of an anger control plan EXCEPT:

A. It is important to try many different strategies and find the anger control techniques that work best

B. New strategies can be added tothe anger control plan to be used when the person starts to get angry

C. Some people refer to their anger control plans as their toolbox and the specific strategies they use to control their anger as their tools

D. An effective strategy that many people use is to talk about their feelings with a supportive friend who was directly involved with the event that made them angry

12. Relaxation through breathing is a basic anger management strategy recommended for inclusion in everyone’s anger control plan.

A. True

B. False

The Aggression Cycle: How To Change the Cycle

13. From an anger management perspective, an episode of anger can be viewed as consisting of three phases:  escalation, explosion, and _____________.

A. Postexplosion

B. Resolution

C. Restitution

D. None of the above

14. Although one person may have more episodes of anger and progress through the aggression cycle more often than others,  each will ultimately experience all three phases of the aggression cycle.

A. True

B. False

15. An increase in hostile self-talk and the use of intimidating body language takes place during the explosion phase of the aggression cycle.

A. True

B. False

Cognitive Restructuring: The A-B-C-D Model and Thought Stopping

16. The A-B-C-D Model, a form of cognitive restructuring, was originally developed by:

A. Carl Rogers

B. Albert Ellis

C. Jean Piaget

D. Joseph Wolpe

17. All of the following are accurate statements about cognitive restructuring EXCEPT:

A. Cognitive restructuring is an advanced anger management technique that requires group members to examine and change their thought processes

B. As part of cognitive restructuring, group members need to know that irrational beliefs perpetuate anger and that modifying these beliefs can prevent further escalation of anger

C. Cognitive restructuring is accepted and readily understood by most clients

D. Some people may initially have difficulty understanding this concept or may not yet be ready to challenge or change their irrational beliefs

18. One of the premises of the A-B-C-D or rational-emotive model is that it is not an event itself that produces feelings such as anger, but our interpretations of and beliefs about the event.

A. True

B. False

19. An alternative to the A-B-C-D Model, thought stopping, is accepted and readily understood by most clients. In this approach, you simply tell yourself to stop thinking the thoughts that are getting you angry.

A. True

B. False

Assertiveness Training and the Conflict Resolution Model: Alternatives for Expressing Anger

20. Which of the following is an accurate statement about using passivity as an alternative to aggression in controlling anger?

A. Acting in a passive manner is a desirable way to avoid anger outbursts

B. The basic message of passivity is that one’s own feelings, thoughts, and beliefs are important and should be valued

C. Acting in a passive way will help avoid the negative consequences associated with aggression, and in the long run will help increase one’s self worth

D. Acting in a passive or nonassertive way is undesirable because it allows the passive person’s rights to be violated

21. It is important to emphasize that assertive, aggressive, and passive responses are innate behaviors and therefore very difficult to change.

A. True

B. False

22. The Conflict Resolution Model includes the following steps: Identify the problem that is causing the conflict, Identify the feelings that are associated with the conflict,  Identify the impact of the problem that is causing the conflict, Decide whether to resolve the conflict, and:

A. Work toward a compromise

B. Work for resolution of the conflict

C. Work on ways to avoid conflict

D. None of the above

Anger and the Family: How Past Learning Can Influence Present Behavior

23. When working with group members to help them understand how the interactions they had with their parents and their families effect how they respond to anger, it is important to remember:

A. Many people are unaware of the connection between past learning and current behavior

B. Family issues may bring up difficult and painful memories that could potentially trigger anxiety, depression, or relapse to drug and alcohol use

C. To tell group members that they are not required to answer any questions if they feel that they would be emotionally overwhelmed by doing so

D. All of the above

24. In discussing past experiences, there is a tendency for group members to avoid many detailed aspects of their family backgrounds because of their emotional content, so questions should be general and open-ended in order to elicit details.

A. True

B. False

25. An assumption of the anger management treatment is that no form of physical discipline is beneficial to a child but that nonphysical forms of discipline are very effective in shaping childhood behavior.

A. True

B. False

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