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Quantum Units Education®

Active Shooter Planning for Health Care Facilities


1. Capabilities to secure health care facilities against acts of terrorism and man-made or natural disasters falls under which of the following mission areas?

A. Prevention

B. Protection

C. Mitigation

D. Response


2. Which of the following activities place health care facilities at greater vulnerability for and from an event?

A. Housing patients, including individuals with access and functional needs.

B. Housing sensitive patient information.

C. Possessing essential research infrastructure.

D. All of the above.

Active Shooter Incidents

3. Law enforcement generally applies the “active shooter incident” definition to situations where the individual is armed with at least one gun and has come to the area with the intent to kill people or commit another crime.

A. True

B. False

4. During an active shooter incident, the natural human reaction, even for those who are highly trained, is to be startled, feel fear and anxiety, and even experience initial disbelief and denial.  Training provides the means to regain composure, recall at least some of what has been learned, and commit to action.

A. True

B. False

5. Which of the following is not one of the three-fold responsibilities that each person carries?

A. Learn how and where to evacuate when the primary evacuation routes are unusable.

B. Learn signs of a potentially volatile situation and ways to prevent an incident.

C. Learn steps to increase survival of self and others in an active shooter incident.

D. Be prepared to work with law enforcement during the response.

6. Planning for an active shooter incident should include the input from both internal and external stakeholders.  All of the following are considered external stakeholders, except for:

A. Local police

B. People with disabilities

C. Chaplains


7. An effective plan for an active shooter includes which of the following?

A. An evacuation policy and procedure.

B. Emergency escape procedures and route assignments.

C. Lockdown procedures for individual units, offices, and buildings.

D. All of the above.

8. Optimal shelter-in-place locations have ballistic protection known as “cover,” which includes thick walls made of steel, cinder block, or brick and mortar; solid doors with locks; and areas with minimal glass and interior windows.

A. True

B. False

9. Designated “shelter in place” locations are often designed for natural hazards such as earthquakes and/or tornadoes and therefore are ideal for active shooter incidents.

A. True

B. False

10. A designated safe room should be equipped with all of the following, except:

A. Medical supplies, drinkable water, and ready to eat meals.

B. A duress button.

C. Reinforced, locking doors with peep-holes.

D. External lock with key access.

11. Coded language communications should be used in connection with coded light and sound systems to maximize message delivery.

A. True

B. False

12. Several key observations of the attacker related to pre-attack behaviors include:

A. Changes in personality or performance

B. Disciplinary problems on site

C. Non-specific threats of violence

D. All of the above

13. It is not uncommon for people confronted with a threat to first deny the possible danger rather than respond, so staff should be trained to overcome denial and to respond immediately.

A. True

B. False

14. Shooters generally arrive with more ammunition than they could ever use, increasing the urgency for everyone in a health care facility to have a plan and act on it as quickly as possible.

A. True

B. False

15. If it is safe to do so, the first course of action that should be taken is to hide.

A. True

B. False

16. Staff should be trained to do all of the following during an active shooter incident, except:

A. Leave personal belongings behind.

B. Avoid escalators and elevators.

C. Take others with them but stay behind if others will not go.

D. Call 911 when safe to do so.

17. Health care facility staff should be trained to understand and expect that law enforcement’s first priority must be to safely evacuate all persons from the facility; all other actions are secondary.

A. True

B. False

18. Emergency responders should have advance information on locations where they are likely to find patients unable to evacuate, such as the operating room, critical care units, nurseries, and pediatric units.

A. True

B. False

19. Law enforcement encourages all calls, and no one should assume that someone else has called.

A. True

B. False

20. Within an ongoing and/or evolving emergency, where the immediate reunification of loved ones is not possible, providing family members with timely, accurate, accessible, and relevant information is paramount, however, notification of any casualties must be done in coordination with law enforcement.

A. True

B. False

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