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Quantum Units Education®

A Practitioner's Guide: Helping Families Support LGBT Children


1. Since the early 1990s, young people have increasingly been coming out or identifying as lesbian, gay, and bisexual, and more recently as transgender during adolescence, which has important implications for how practitioners work with children, youth, and families.

A. True

B. False

2. Practitioners should help parents and families support their LBGT children by doing each of the following EXCEPT:

A. Aim to meet parents, families, and caregivers “where they are” in order to build an alliance to support their LGBT children

B. Help them understand that family reactions that are experienced as rejection by their LGBT child may contribute to serious health concerns

C. Know that as the practitioner, their overall objective must be to show family members how to be there for the child, even if it means changing many of their values or deeply-held beliefs

D. Show parents and families that rejection will likely inhibit their child’s development and well-being

3. Among contemporary youth, researchers from the Family Acceptance Project found that adolescents self-identified as LGB, on average, at age 15.2, and increasingly, parents and families report children identifying as gay at earlier ages – between ages 9 and 13.

A. True

B. False

Critical Role of Families in Reducing Risk & Promoting Well-Being

4. Family reactions to their LGBT adolescents range from highly rejecting to highly accepting, with a proportion of families responding with acceptance, and more with ____________ to learning about their child’s LGBT identity.

A. Uncertainty

B. Indifference

C. Insensitivity

D. Ambivalence

Relationship to Risk and Well-Being

5. Negative outcomes for many LGBT youth, including suicide, homelessness, and placement in foster care or juvenile justice facilities, can be prevented or reduced if parents, families, and caregivers can turn to a knowledgeable source for guidance, accurate information, and support.

A. True

B. False

Figure 1: Family Acceptance Project – Core Assumptions

6. Which of the following is NOT one of the core assumptions of the Family Acceptance Project?

A. Assume that families love their children and want them to have a good life, while acknowledging that their hopes and dreams for their children’s future are shaped by cultural and religious beliefs that may be at odds with their child’s sexual orientation and gender identity/expression

B. Use a knowledge-based framework to align research findings, education and prevention messages, and family support approaches with the parents’ and caregivers’ values about family, culture, and religious practice

C. Help the family by starting at their level of knowledge, expectations, and beliefs about their child’s sexual orientation and gender identity/expression

D. Understand that parents and families experience their lack of knowledge about LGBT issues as inadequacy that feels disempowering and shameful

Helping Families Decrease Risk and Increase Well-Being for Their LGBT Children

7. Often when parents and families engage in behaviors to try to prevent their children from becoming gay or transgender, they are motivated by wanting to protect them by keeping them from adopting what they perceive as a “lifestyle” or “choice” that will be hurtful.

A. True

B. False

Framing for Families that are Struggling or Uncertain About Having an LGBT Child

8. In order to support their gay or transgender child, parents and caregivers must not only modify or change rejecting behaviors that increase their LGBT child’s risk, but must also learn to accept an identity even if they believe it is wrong.

A. True

B. False

Increasing Family Support: How to Help Right Now

9. According to the authors, practitioners should include LGBT books, brochures, and posters in agency waiting rooms, offices, and care facilities, and may ________________________ in order to indicate that they will be open and respectful in providing support and addressing needs related to their LGBT identity.

A. Display “safe zone” or rainbow stickers

B. List their practice with an appropriate referral program

C. Provide unisex bathrooms

D. Include a “transgender” check box on the medical/social history form

Resources for Practitioners and Families-Endnotes

10. The Family Acceptance Project recommends the use of a clinical assessment screening tool, and offers training tips to help practitioners quickly identify LGBT young people who are experiencing various levels of family rejection and to help them develop a follow up plan for families and caregivers.

A. True

B. False

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