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Quantum Units Education®

Sexual Violence: Strengthening the Medico-Legal Response

Facts about sexual violence

1. Sexual violence:

A. Is any sexual act that is perpetrated against someone’s will.

B. Can be committed by any person regardless of their relationship to the victim, in any setting.

C. Includes rape, attempted rape, sexual slavery, unwanted touching, threatened sexual violence, and verbal sexual harassment.

D. All of the above.

2. The vast majority of acts of sexual violence are perpetrated by someone known to the victim.

A. True

B. False


3. All those working in the medico-legal system should:

A. Know the relevant laws and policies about sexual violence in the country’s jurisdiction, including what is considered a crime and who is competent to collect evidence and/or testify as a professional or expert witness in cases of sexual assault.

B. Have an appropriate level of professional training and qualification in their field.

C. Understand that a victim has the right to decide who has access to her / his information; to choose the sex of the forensic examiner and other professionals providing services; and to choose what care he / she receives.

D. All of the above.

Support and protection for victims

4. A survivor-centered approach means all of the following, except for:

A. The victim’s right to confidentiality is considered the highest priority.

B. The victim’s autonomy is respected and she / he is provided with the information needed and the right to make decisions about her / his case, including whether to report the case to the police.

C. The victim is not discriminated against, regardless of religion, race, sex, gender identity, age, ethnic group, profession, socioeconomic level, political affiliation, or sexual orientation.

D. All of the above are part of a survivor-centered approach.

Preparing to gather the story

5. The healthcare professional should acknowledge to the victim the difficulty in telling the account of the sexual violence.

A. True

B. False

6. Healthcare providers should focus on:

A. Information about perpetrators for the purpose of legal processes.

B. Details relevant to the provision of medical care.

C. Both (A) and (B).

D. None of the above.

Documenting the story and responses

7. Documenting an individual’s account of sexual violence is an important component of the medico-legal process because:

A. Documentation captures the allegation and examination findings and creates a permanent record of details of any subsequent interventions.

B. Documentation may have an important role in the therapeutic process for those who have been assaulted.

C. Both (A) and (B).

D. None of the above.

8. While ensuring confidentiality, any injuries, including those to the breasts and genitalia, should be photographed.

A. True

B. False

Minimum requirements for the health facility

9. The clinical management of rape must take precedence over other aspects of the medico-legal process.

A. True

B. False

The forensic medical examination

10. It is the role of the healthcare worker to:

A. Document injuries and collect other forms of medico-legal evidence.

B. Determine whether sexual assault has occurred.

C. Both (A) and (B).

D. None of the above.

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