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Quantum Units Education®

Integrating Services for Survivors of Domestic Violence Experiencing Homelessness

Understanding the Problem

1. Recent studies indicate that domestic violence contributes significantly to repeat episodes of homelessness by:

A. Decreasing a survivor’s chance of receiving a housing voucher.

B. Decreasing job stability.

C. Interfering with women’s abilities to form supportive relationships.

D. All of the above.

2. While homeless programs may offer support and referrals to facilitate emotional recovery from the factors associated with homelessness, they are not designated to address the immediate safety needs of those experiencing domestic violence.

A. True

B. False

3. Homeless service providers would benefit from training on all of the following, except:

A. The dynamics of domestic violence.

B. Proper record keeping.

C. Screening and safety planning.

D. Policies that impact survivors.

4. Confidentiality is often a major concern for domestic violence survivors, as compromised confidentiality can increase the risk of violence re-entering a survivor’s life.

A. True

B. False

5. Women who are staying in non-domestic violence focused homeless shelters have the same privacy protections as those staying in domestic violence focused homeless shelters.

A. True

B. False

Exploring the Issue

6. Challenges to collaboration have been attributed to providers reporting difficulty coming together to cross-train or build relationships due to which of the following?

A. Lack of time and resources.

B. Lack of trust between systems.

C. Perceived differences in service philosophies and goals.

D. All of the above.

Strategies to Improve Integration

7. Which level of integration focuses on the need for all providers to carefully assess the domestic violence and homeless histories of the people they serve, organizational capacity to address both domestic violence and homeless issues, and community resources and reasons for partnering to meet the full range of families’ needs?

A. Awareness and Understanding

B. Communication and Coordination

C. Collaboration

D. All of the above

8. Domestic violence is often the immediate cause of homelessness among survivors in domestic violence shelters and transitional housing programs.

A. True

B. False

9. Partnerships should be formed for all of the following reasons, except:

A. For the sake of partnering.

B. To offer opportunities for improved or expanded programming.

C. To increase organizational capacity.

D. All of the above.

10. Assessment questions should be framed to allow survivors to feel safe and comfortable.  This can be done in all of the following ways, except:

A. Provide a confidential and safe meeting space.

B. Allow for breaks.

C. Gather as much information as quickly as possible in the first session.

D. Pace the assessment according to the survivors’ needs.

11. Getting feedback from survivors on their experiences with the referral process can help organizations identify strengths and weaknesses in their current network.

A. True

B. False

12. When moving towards service integration, the most important goal is:

A. Improved communication and coordination among potential partners.

B. Supporting survivors’ need for safety and stability.

C. Awareness and understanding of organizational capacity.

D. Awareness of community resources.

13. Since communication is a necessary step toward integrating services for survivors of domestic violence experiencing homelessness, agencies interested in moving towards full services and systems integration should stay focused on basic communication and referrals.

A. True

B. False

14. Which of the following is a way to seek survivor input and feedback?

A. Surveys

B. Focus groups

C. Informal meetings

D. All of the above

Quick Reference Guide: Integration Strategies

15. During the assessment process, providers should do all of the following, except:

A. Move at the survivor’s pace.

B. Include questions that support a better understanding of a survivor’s history of homelessness and domestic violence.

C. Contact family and friends for a support network.

D. Ensure safety and confidentiality.

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