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Quantum Units Education®

Hep C Counseling and Testing

Basic Facts About Hepatitis C

1. Which of the following is NOT an accurate statement about Hepatitis C?

A. Without treatment, hepatitis C can last a lifetime and lead to serious liver problems, including cirrhosis of the liver, liver failure, and even liver cancer

B. Approximately 5%–10% of people will clear the hepatitis virus from their bodies without treatment and do not develop chronic infection, although the reasons for this are not well known

C. There is no vaccine available for hepatitis, and once a person is infected with the hepatitis C virus, he or she will always have antibodies to the virus

D. If a person clears the hepatitis C virus, he or she can be re-infected, meaning that getting infected and clearing the virus does not protect frominfection in the future

CDC Recommendations for Testing for Hepatitis C

2. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends hepatitis C testing for those who currently inject drugs or ever injected drugs, were prior recipients of transfusions or organ transplants, who had a recognized exposure, and those with certain medical conditions, including persons:

A. Who received clotting factor concentrates produced before 1987

B. Who were ever on long-term hemodialysis or who have HIV infection

C. With persistently abnormal alanine aminotransferase levels (ALT)

D. All of the above

Treating Hepatitis C

3. For individuals with hepatitis C, appropriate medical monitoring and evaluation are very important, as not everyone needs or can benefit from treatment.

A. True

B. False

The ABCs of Hepatitis

4. Symptoms of all types of viral hepatitis are similar and may include fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, joint pain, and jaundice.

A. True

B. False

Goals of a Hepatitis C Antibody Testing Session

5. When testing a client for hepatitis C, his or her individual needs should be assessed and addressed accordingly, and goals of the session should include each of the following EXCEPT:

A. Increasing a client’s knowledge of hepatitis C and personal risk for contracting hepatitis C

B. Answering any questions about the testing process

C. Discussing realistic treatments options that are available for all types of hepatitis

D. Helping a client understand the benefits of getting tested and knowing test results

Prepare the Client to Receive Test Results

6. Experts recommend using standardized laboratory-based rather than rapid-result tests for injection drug users, as this will help encourage them to come back to receive test results, and allow them to be referred for treatment when testing positive.

A. True

B. False

Antibody Negative/Nonreactive Test Result

7. Clients who have a negative/nonreactive antibody test need to be informed that if they have been exposed to hepatitis C recently there is still a chance they could have the virus because it can take __________ until the body makes antibodies that can be measured by the HCV antibody test.

A. 5 or 6 weeks

B. 8 or 9 weeks

C. 11 or 12 weeks

D. 14 or 15 weeks

Help Client Stay Hepatitis C Negative

8. An important goal of the post-test session with clients who have just received a HCV negative/nonreactive antibody test result and who have ongoing risk factors is helping them understand ways to minimize their risk of becoming infected with HCV. 

A. True

B. False

Antibody Positive/Reactive Test Result-Disclose Test Result

9. A client may have a strong emotional reaction when first hearing the test result, so the clinician should immediately provide information about the next steps in the assessment and treatment process, as this will likely decrease client anxiety and offer hope.

A. True

B. False

You Have Had a Hepatitis C Antibody Test

10. When individuals receive a test result that is antibody positive/reactive, the next step is to get the RNA test to determine if they have hepatitis C, and to take precautions as if they have the virus, since it is very infectious.

A. True

B. False

Post-Test Counseling Messages

11. Persons infected with HCV should be counseled to protect their liver from further harm by adhering to the following strategies EXCEPT:

A. Consider hepatitis A and B vaccination if susceptible and if liver disease is present

B. Reduce or discontinue alcohol consumption

C. Seek out alternative herbal agents that sustain liver health

D. Obtain HIV risk assessment and testing

Confirmatory Test: HCV Positive/RNA Negative

12. If a client has a negative RNA confirmatory test but continues to exhibit ongoing risk behavior, he or she should be encouraged to be re-tested using RNA tests every three months.

A. True

B. False

Goals for an HCV Rapid Antibody Testing Session

13. A clinician may choose to use the waiting period for rapid antibody test results as an opportunity to provide the client with information about how hepatitis C is transmitted and prevented, as well as information on the seriousness of the disease and possible long-term health effects.

A. True

B. False

Inform About the HCV Rapid Antibody Test

14. Clients with negative test results may experience such a sense of relief that they find it difficult to listen to important messages that need to be conveyed, such as the lag period when the body may be developing antibodies to hepatitis C, which is also known as the:

A. Window period

B. Drag period

C. Delay period

D. Interim period

Alcohol Education

15. Messages to decrease alcohol use should be provided to anyone diagnosed with hepatitis C, and alcohol screening and brief interventions (SBI) can be useful for screening patients for excessive alcohol consumption, providing brief counseling for those who screen positive, and:

A. Motivating the client to change behavior without assigning self-blame

B. Investigating the problem in order to develop a solution

C. Examining aspects of participants' attitudes, such as resistance and denial

D. Referring to specialized alcohol treatment for patients with possible alcohol dependence

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