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Group Therapy (Substance Abuse Treatment)

Chapter 1

1. This natural propensity in humans makes group therapy a powerful therapeutic tool for treating substance abuse.

A. to support one another

B. to congregate

C. to join a cause

D. to seek out therapy when needed

2. Groups provide positive peer support and pressure to abstain from substances of abuse.

A. True

B. False

3. Group therapy is equivalent to 12-step program practices.

A. True

B. False

4. Ineffective substance abuse group therapy can be related to two problems primarily:

A. lack of group cooperation or an unskilled therapist

B. lack of clinical supervision or applying the wrong modality for this type of group

C. a poor attitude on the part of the therapist or poor academic training

D. lack of effective group therapy training or the use of a group therapy model that is inadequate for the chemically dependent

5. For the most part, group therapy has been based on a model derived from inpatient therapy for clients whose problems may or may not include substance abuse.

A. True

B. False

Chapter 2

6. The primary way to define the types of groups that are used in substance abuse treatment is by a combination of:

A. group goals and methodology

B. gender makeup and group goals

C. the primary substance of abuse and methodology

D. None of the above

7. This TIP manual discusses 5 types of group models that are effective for substance abuse treatment. Which of the following is NOT one of the 5.

A. psycho-educational groups

B. skills development groups

C. relapse prevention groups

D. support groups

8. Prochaska and DiClemente discovered there were 6 stages of change that an individual could go through.

A. True

B. False

9. Based upon the ‘stages of change’ model, the stage of change the client is in will dictate:

A. whether they remain abstinent from substances after therapy

B. whether they will remain in therapy or not

C. which group mode and method is appropriate at a particular time

D. All of the above

10. In practice, groups can and usually do use more than one model of therapy.

A. True

B. False

11. In figure 2.1, spirituality-based groups are usually found in what group model?

A. Support Groups

B. Inter-personal groups

C. Specialized groups

D. Skills development groups

Psychoeducational Groups

12. Psychoeducational groups are frequently taught using videotapes, audiotapes or lectures.

A. True

B. False

13. The major purpose of psychoeducational groups is to create awareness.

A. True

B. False

14. According to this manual, the psychoeducational group is particularly useful in counteracting which of the following:

A. The clients’ association with drug-using peers

B. The clients' denial about their substance abuse

C. Family dysfunction

D. None of the above

15. According to Figure 2.2 of this manual, which group is best kept as heterogeneous?

A. Cognitive-behavioral

B. Support

C. Interpersonal

D. Skills

Skills Development Groups

16. Most skills development groups operate from what type of orientation?

A. Cognitive-Behavioral

B. Psychoanalytic

C. Insight

D. Behavioral management

17. The most common type of skills development group is coping skills.

A. True

B. False

18. An unstated and underrecognized difficulty in leading skills groups is:

A. Group leaders are generally not properly trained

B. Lack of group cohesion

C. The leader becomes bored teaching the same material week after week

D. All of the above

Cognitive-Behavioral Groups

19. The use of cognitive-behavioral groups is particularly appropriate:

A. For groups in the early stage of recovery

B. For groups in the maintenance stage of their treatment program

C. Both a and b

D. Neither a or b

20. Cognitive-Behavioral groups conceptualize dependency as a learned behavior that is subject to modification through various interventions.

A. True

B. False

21. Cognitive-behavioral therapy seeks to change learned behavior by changing thinking patterns, beliefs and:

A. Feelings

B. Ideas

C. Perceptions

D. None of the above

22. Cognitive-behavioral groups are particularly useful in the treatment of this co-existing disorder:

A. Depression

B. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

C. Borderline Personality Disorder

D. Anti-Social behavior

23. The most common leadership style in cognitive-behavioral groups is passive engagement and a consistently directive orientation.

A. True

B. False

Support Groups

24. Support groups originated from the field of psycho-educational groups.

A. True

B. False

25. A support group may be more attractive to someone less committed to recovery than a “therapy” group.

A. True

B. False

26. The support group is generally group-focused rather than leader-focused, therefore the leadership style of someone running a support group will be less directive.

A. True

B. False

Interpersonal Process Group Psychotherapy

27. Process-oriented group therapy uses this as the primary change mechanism.

A. The therapist

B. The group

C. Insight awareness

D. All of the above

28. Which of the following is used by interpersonal process-oriented groups to promote change and healing.

A. Insight awareness

B. Psychodynamics

C. Behavioral modification

D. Cognitive awareness

29. Which one of the following is a basic tenet of the psychodynamic approach?

A. Early experience affects later experience

B. Sometimes perceptions distort reality

C. Psychological and cognitive processes outside awareness influence behavior

D. All of the above

30. Within the interpersonal process model, the objects of interest are the here-and-now interactions among members.

A. True

B. False

31. Interpersonal process-oriented group psychotherapy is easy to understand and adapt because it is pragmatic, applicable and synergistic.

A. True

B. False

32. In interpersonal process groups, content is of primary concern.

A. True

B. False

33. Treatment programs need to consider which of the following when deciding on a model for a substance abuse treatment group?

A. The training and theoretical orientation of group leaders

B. Resources

C. The needs and desires of the clients

D. All of the above

34. This group model is considered generally inappropriate as a sole approach to treatment for clients with substance use disorders.

A. Support

B. Psychodynamic

C. Group-as-a-whole

D. None of the above

Relapse Prevention

35. A relapse prevention group aims to improve the client’s ability to manage risky situations and to stabilize the client’s lifestyle through behavior change.

A. True

B. False

36. Research has demonstrated that relapse is common and to be expected during the process of recovery.

A. True

B. False

37. Research suggests that relapse prevention should be conducted only in groups, as one-on-one formats show little measurable improvement.

A. True

B. False

Communal and Culturally Specific Groups

38. Cultural patterns of permissible use define, in part, what is reasonable use and what is abuse of substances.

A. True

B. False

39. Hispanics/Latinos generally share a value of group comadre, thus a preference for group therapy is best in this situation.

A. True

B. False

40. In working with a culturally specific group, the clinician should be aware of which of the following:

A. Demographics in the program area

B. Self-identification issues

C. Cultural attitudes and resistances

D. All of the above

41. Placement of a client in a group should begin with an assessment of:

A. Severity of substance abuse

B. Readiness to participate

C. Financial ability to pay

D. Mental health

42. An eco-map is sometimes used to:

A. Depict interpersonal relationships

B. Depict history of drug use

C. Both a and b

D. Neither a nor b

43. The primary reason same-sex groups are more effective for women is that women have distinct treatment needs that are different from those of men.

A. True

B. False

44. Clients with low levels of motivation to abstain should be placed in which type of group?

A. Support

B. Insight-oriented

C. Psychoeducational

D. None of the above

45. According to Figure 3.2 - Client Placement by Stage of Recovery- what group is indicated as ‘necessary and most important’ during the late and maintenance stage of recovery?

A. Relapse Prevention

B. Interpersonal Process

C. Support

D. Expressive

46. Recent research suggests that an ethnic match between a therapist and client consistently improves outcomes.

A. True

B. False

Characteristics of Fixed and Revolving Membership Groups

47. According to Figure 4-1, this is a feature of group development in a revolving membership that is ongoing:

A. Learning built on what has happened in prior meetings

B. Dynamics of group process as the primary source of learning

C. Structuring the group with more active leadership

D. Learning at each session is independent of previous group sessions

Increasing Retention

48. Which of the following is a technique used to reduce the incidence of dropping out?

A. Role induction

B. Experiential pretraining

C. Motivational interviews

D. All of the above

Chapter 5 Stages of Treatment

49. In this stage of treatment, clients can be emotionally fragile, ambivalent, and resistant to treatment:

A. Early stage

B. Middle stage

C. Late stage

D. None of the above

50. Another name for the middle stage is ‘action stage’.

A. True

B. False

51. Cognitive impairment is most severe in this stage of treatment:

A. Early stage

B. Middle stage

C. Late stage

D. None of the above

52. The art of treating addiction in the early stages is in the defeat of denial and resistance.

A. True

B. False

53. Attachment theory is seen as a complementary model to integrate in substance abuse treatment. Attachment theory was developed by:

A. Bowlby

B. Kohut

C. Freud

D. Ellis

54. Cognitive capacity begins to return to normal in this stage of treatment:

A. Early

B. Middle

C. Late

D. None of the above

55. The therapeutic factors of altruism and self-knowledge can be used in the middle stages of treatment.

A. True

B. False

56. What type of group model is appropriate for the middle stage of treatment, where clients begin to experience and integrate a wide range of emotions in a safe environment.

A. Support group model

B. Cognitive-behavioral model

C. Interpersonal process model

D. None of the above

Late Stage of Treatment

57. In the early stage of treatment clients work to avoid tempting situations and triggers.

A. True

B. False

58. What has to be resolved in order for the client to experience healthy mutuality and begin  resolving conflicts without the maladaptive influence of alcohol or drugs?

A. Client resistance

B. Client denial

C. Internalized pain

D. Recurrent relapses

59. In late stage treatment clients learn to engage more fully in life as they begin to manage their emotional states and cognitive processes more effectively.

A. True

B. False

Chapter 6: Group Leadership, Concepts, and Techniques

60. According to Flores (1997), many therapists do not fully appreciate the impact of their personalities or values on addicts or alcoholics.

A. True

B. False

61. Excellent listening skills are the cornerstone of any effective therapy.

A. True

B. False

62. In a cotherapy situation it is recommended that the therapists be of the same gender to offer some constancy to the group.

A. True

B. False

63. It is considered unethical to ‘bend the rules’ of a group agreement in order to meet the needs of an individual group member.

A. True

B. False

64. Motivation techniques have been shown to boost client participation and treatment outcomes. Which of the following are considered motivating factors?

A. Clients receive support for change efforts

B. The therapist points out the clients’ competencies

C. Clients are engaged at the appropriate stage of change

D. All of the above

65. When physical boundaries are breached in the group, and no one in the group raises the issue, the leader should not call the behavior to the group’s attention.

A. True

B. False

66. A more useful way to think of confrontation is:

A. Confronting denial in a client

B. Forcing the client to see the therapist’s way of thinking

C. Helping the client to overcome resistance

D. Pointing out inconsistencies between client behavior and stated goals

67. The therapist’s emotional response to a group member’s transference is referred to as counter-transference.

A. True

B. False

68. Federal law that guarantees strict confidentiality of information about all people receiving substance abuse treatment services is known as:

A. 42 C.F.R.

B. 21 C.F.R.

C. 41 C.F.R.

D. None of the above

69. 12-Step philosophy is known to oppose therapy and medication.

A. True

B. False

Chapter 7: Training and Supervision

70. Which of the following skills are necessary to perform supervisory tasks?

A. Administrative, Supportive, Clinical and Evaluative

B. Supportive, Leadership, Clinical, and Legal

C. Administrative, Legal, Ethical and Supportive

D. Evaluative, Clinical, Administrative and Ethical

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