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Quantum Units Education®

Environmental Design for People with Dementia Nearing End of Life

1. All of the following are key principles of design for those with dementia, except for:

A. Be large, safe, and secure

B. Maximize independence

C. Reinforce personal identity

D. Allow for the control of stimuli

2. Using outside spaces to facilitate engagement with the senses was seen as very important by carers, even for those who were nearing the end of their lives.

A. True

B. False

3. For carers, privacy means _____, an important aspect of the design of a care setting to enable them to keep strong and continue to be psychologically and physically available for the person with dementia.

A. An ensuite bathroom

B. A single bedroom

C. Private, quite spaces where they can go to rest or cry

D. All of the above

4. Which of the following is a useful way to ensure a more interesting experience for people who are in reclining chairs or confined to bed?

A. Soft music playing in the background.

B. A visual projection onto the ceiling.

C. Massaging mats, chairs, and/or beds.

D. All of the above.

5. Even if there is a risk the person might fall out of bed, there is a general feeling that bed rails are unacceptable.

A. True

B. False

6. Buildings with long corridors and ‘nooks and crannies’ are deemed unsafe as these encourage patient ‘wandering.’

A. True

B. False

7. The use of which word indicates that practitioners view their patients predominately in terms of the tasks required by them, their needs, or their disability resulting from dementia rather than as unique individuals?

A. Dementia cases

B. Respites

C. Lifters

D. All of the above

8. All of the following features of the physical environment received strong support in terms of their importance to people with dementia nearing the end of life, except for:

A. Support of the continued use of the senses.

B. Provision of opportunities for engagement with spiritual aspects of life.

C. Provision of access to the outdoors / natural environment.

D. Provision of opportunities for social engagement.

9. People with dementia and family carers place a strong emphasis on provision of comfort through all of the following, except for:

A. Sedation

B. Engaging with the senses

C. Remaining socially connected

D. Spiritual engagement

10. People with dementia and carers are clear they want to be, and remain in, a familiar environment, with their own belongings and familiar things.

A. True

B. False

11. Involvement in Namaste Care has been shown to:

A. Improve interest in the environment and for residents who are withdrawn to have reduced social interaction.

B. Decreases some indicators of delirium.

C. Decreases the need for administration of anti-anxiety medications.

D. All of the above.

12. The environment should enable visual monitoring by staff via the person being placed in a public area.

A. True

B. False

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