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Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Overview-Biological Factors

1. Most sexually transmitted diseases (STD's) do not produce obvious symptoms or signs, as accurately demonstrated by each of the following EXCEPT:

A. As many as 85 percent of women and 50 percent of men with chlamydia have no symptoms

B. Often, a long interval-sometimes years-occurs between acquiring a sexually transmitted infection and recognizing a clinically significant health problem

C. Women are at higher risk than men for most STD's, and older women are far more susceptible to certain STD's than younger women

D. A person infected with HIV may be asymptomatic and transmit the disease to another person, who may in turn be infected for years but remain unaware until symptoms manifest themselves


2. Despite recent progress toward controlling some STD's, the United States has failed to go far enough or fast enough in its national attempt to contain acute STD's and STD-related complications, and has higher STD rates than all other countries of the industrialized world.

A. True

B. False

Racial and Ethnic Disparities

3. Certain racial and ethnic groups have high rates of STD's compared with rates for whites, with American Indians and Alaska Natives currently having the highest incidences of STD's in the United States

A. True

B. False


4. The rate of STD infection in a population is determined by the interaction of three principal factors including rate of sex partner exchange or exposure, probability of transmission, and:

A. Duration of infection and time period of being able to spread disease to others

B. Level of abstinence among population

C. Behavioral interventions such as increased education and use of birth control

D. None of the above

Primary and Secondary Syphilis

5. The United States has a unique opportunity to eliminate syphilis within its borders because:

A. Syphilis is easy to detect and cure, given adequate access to care for the disease

B. Nationally it is at the lowest rate ever recorded and is confined to a very limited number of geographical areas

C. The last syphilis epidemic peaked in 1990, but by 1997, the number of cases had declined by 84 percent

D. All of the above

STD Complications Affecting Females-PID

6. Pelvic Inflamatory Disease (PID) is among the most serious threats to female reproductive capability, and it is caused most frequently by human papillomavirus (HPV) infection.

A. True

B. False

STD Treatment History of PID

7. Evidence has shown that reducing the burden of bacterial STDs in reproductive age women can dramatically reduce the amount of PID and therefore reduce fertility problems.

A. True

B. False

Personal Behaviors

8. Collaboration between various societal institutions can possibly influence the health and behaviors of the nation's youth by accomplishing each of the following EXCEPT:

A. Helping adolescents abstain from sexual intercourse

B. Ensuring that rates of secondary abstinence are increased

C. Aiding youth in overcoming pressure to become sexually active prematurely

D. Assisting them in finding accessible, community counseling and clinical services if they are or have been sexually active

9. Young people who are currently sexually active require special attention and services, including the ____ percent of high school youth who are sexually active and used a condom at last intercourse, and the remaining ____ percent who were currently sexually active and did not use a condom.

A. 17; 11

B. 19; 13

C. 21; 15

D. 23; 17

Community Protection Infrastructure

10. While routine vaccination of infants is expected to produce a highly immune population to eliminate hepatitis B transmission in the United States, high rates of acute hepatitis B continue to occur in young adult risk groups.

A. True

B. False

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